
為了因應7月的工業改動, 趁著最近產線放大假, 把其中一支C中塔換成了M大塔, 外加一堆投射砲網子反跳ECM, 光錨這些東西就花了我半天. 真是瘋了, 到底是有誰會來打我啊...xD

IGB POS 規畫, 紙上作業總是比較輕鬆.




Epic Arc 劇情翻譯

終於將Amarr史詩Right to Rule的劇情及日誌內容翻譯完有些英文說法直譯成中文會變得很怪, 翻譯已經盡量通順又不會跟英文原意相差太遠, 礙於本人的英文程度, 這個部分我盡力了.

Epic Arc - Right to Rule Chapter 1, 艾瑪史詩 - 統治權第1章 
Epic Arc - Right to Rule Chapter 2, 艾瑪史詩 - 統治權第2章 
Epic Arc - Right to Rule Chapter 3, 艾瑪史詩 - 統治權第3章  


Epic Arc - Right to Rule Chapter 3, 艾瑪史詩 - 統治權第3章

"For over a century the mighty Amarr Empire has been at an uneasy peace with the enigmatic Sansha's Nation. But the Sansha are pushing further into Amarr space without warning or explanation. Ministry of Internal Order agent Kandus Sandar enlists you to be his primary investigator, to uncover plots and annihilate threats as only a capsuleer can."

"強大的艾瑪帝國與薩沙勉強維持了超過一個世紀的和平. 但薩沙無預警進入帝國領土, 且步步近逼. 內務部主管 Kandus Sandar招募你作為他的頭號調查員, 因為只有莢艙飛行員能揭露陰謀及消滅帝國的威脅."

Chapter 3:  Old Guard 老侍衛